Last September, I lost my Instagram mojo. I wasn’t inspired, my feed was boring and I didn’t know how to get out of the rut I’d found myself in. My children have always featured heavily in my account, Ive loved documenting their childhood via this app and Ive connected with lots of lovely parents. But since they were all now at school, I was lost as to what to post. I wanted to continue my account but I didn’t know which direction to take it. It was around this time that Visit Scotland got in touch and asked if I’d contribute to a three day takeover of their account. Of course it was an amazing opportunity that I couldn’t turn down. Throughout this time I got lots of new traffic to my page, all interested in seeing my corner of the world. It was the perfect way for me to showcase the isles of which I’m so proud and it therefore seemed a natural transition for me to begin photographing more and more of my surroundings. More of the landscapes that make Orkney so unique. And which are so recognisable. It seemed to generate a good response and I got lots of positive feedback.
During this time, I started taking my camera out with me on my weekly walk with friends. I began photographing our routes which I would then share online. It worked as a prompt for me. It encouraged me/us to find different places to explore, to leave the beaten track, to uncover areas on our doorsteps that we’d overlooked. I would share our walks and encourage other locals to visit and do the same. The idea was then born to group these under one hashtag and hence #orkneyrambles was born! Its been a real treat to see it grow. It currently has nearly 300 tags, no mean feat for a small island community!
If you would like to join in with #orkneyrambles, tag your walks around Orkney using the hashtag and tag me @fionaannal. I will be picking a favourite image from the hashtag to share on my blog next month, so I’d encourage you to get creative! Seek out new places, explore beyond the roadside, be curious as to what lies over the top of that peaty hill. Think about the timing of your walk, whether its an early morning run before work or a campfire at Skaill during midsummer. However, ALWAYS be safe. Be mindful of livestock. Be respectful of land and property. If you climb over fences or open gates, always be responsible. Do not go dangling off cliff edges on my behalf – it really isn’t worth it.
Lets make June a month of exploring and sharing the beauty of these wonderful islands! Happy rambling!